Japan: 264th Japan Food Safety Group

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   JA2025-0002
The Consumer Affairs Agency (CAA) of Japan proposed three sets of revisions. One is for Japan’s maximum residue levels for three agricultural chemicals (Fluazinam, Flupyrimin, and Mandestrobin) for various agricultural commodities. The second is for the CAA's proposal to eliminate provisional MRLs of 26 agricultural chemicals which MHLW could not confirm their use in Japan. The last is for establishment and revision for food additives. Interested U.S. parties should submit their comments to PlantDivision@usda.gov for plant products, TFAA.FAS.AnimalDivision@usda.gov for animal products, and PPTRD@usda.gov for processed products by January 24, 2025. The CAA will also notify these proposed revisions to the World Trade Organization.

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