FY 2024 Food for Progress Awards Announcement
Since its establishment in 1985, Food for Progress (FFPr) has helped developing countries strengthen their agriculture sectors. All FFPr projects operates under the overarching goals of increasing agricultural productivity and expanding markets and trade in agricultural products. For FY 2024 Food for Progress is excited to announce the following projects:
Country: Benin
Implementer: Partners for Development
Total Agreement Value: $25,525,000
Commodity Monetized: 25,000 MT Milled Rice
Food for Progress Benin will improve food safety, transparency, and efficiency in Benin’s agricultural trade sector through training on sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) system procedures, improving agricultural producers' and processors' food safety practices, and aligning Benin’s existing SPS measures with international standards.
Country: Cambodia
Implementer: Land O’Lakes Venture37
Total Agreement Value: $29,125,000
Commodity Monetized: 35,000 MT soybean meal
Food for Progress Cambodia will improve implementation and development of food safety regulations by improving post-harvest handling, increasing adoption of climate smart technologies, providing training on best food safety/SPS practices, and strengthening market linkages.
Country: Madagascar
Implementer: Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Total Agreement Value: $34,930,000
Commodity Monetized: 55,000 MT wheat, mix
Food for Progress Madagascar will address food security and climate resiliency by enhancing agricultural productivity of pulses, cassava, pink peppercorn, and coffee; improving Madagascar’s trade enabling environment; and strengthening and diversifying climate-resilient production systems.
Country: Rwanda
Implementer: Cultivating New Frontiers in Agriculture (CNFA)
Total Agreement Value: $31,955,000
Commodity Monetized: 50,000 MT wheat, mix
Food for Progress Rwanda will improve food insecurity, nutrition, and trade of export crops by refining domestic food safety frameworks, enhancing technical capacity for laboratory testing and international accreditation, and strengthening cold chain capacity.
Country: Sri Lanka
Implementer: Improving Economies for Stronger Communities (IESC)
Total Agreement Value: $37,055,000
Commodity Monetized: 32,000 MT yellow soybeans
Food for Progress Sri Lanka will address food insecurity and improve climate resilience by increasing adoption of climate smart techniques and technologies, enhancing market linkages, and expanding business development services in the dairy and coconut value chains.
Country: Tanzania
Implementer: Lutheran World Relief (LWR)
Total Agreement Value: $35,030,000
Commodity Monetized: 55,000 MT wheat, mix
Food for Progress Tanzania will address food security and assist in the transformation from subsistence to commercial agriculture in the poultry value chain by strengthening the feed sector, improving animal health practices and disease monitoring, building capacity in agricultural finance services, and strengthening extension services.
Country: Tunisia
Implementer: Partners of the Americas (POA)
Total Agreement Value: $24,850,000
Commodity Monetized: 35,000 MT yellow soybeans
Food for Progress Tunisia will increase the dates crop production and strengthen oases systems by providing training and grants for improved water management and irrigation practices, improving labor efficiency, and strengthening end-markets for farmers and producers.