India: Cotton Production Forecast At 15-Year Low

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)   |   IN2025-0002
FAS Mumbai forecasts marketing year (MY) 2024/25 cotton production at 25 million 480 lb. bales on 11.8 million hectares, unchanged from the previous forecast. The official government production forecast of 23.4 million 480 lb. bales is lower due to a lower planted area estimate of 11.4 million hectares, and expected lower yields. As a result of this forecast, textile mills are importing large quantities of raw cotton to augment insufficient domestic supplies. Mill consumption remains robust at 25.5 million 480 lb. bales, due largely to strong export volumes of valued added textile products. As a result, raw cotton exports are forecast to remain unchanged at 1.2 million 480 lb. bales, due to limited exportable supplies.

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