Serbia: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

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In 2009, Serbia adopted the current Law on Genetically Engineered Organisms (GEOs), which strictly prohibits the importation, production, or commercial growing of genetically engineered crops. After ten years, Serbia still has not implemented changes to this Law on GEOs that conforms to European Union (EU) regulations or the World Trade Organization (WTO) Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) agreement. In order to become a member of WTO Serbia needs to amend the current law. European Commission is also requiring from Serbia to amend the current law order to fulfill requirements for EU membership. Serbia prepared an amended Law on GEOs in May 2018, but this law was never submitted into the national approval process. There are no livestock clones or other GE animals (including fish, birds, insects, mammals) or GE genetics being used in commercial production in Serbia.  

Serbia: Agricultural Biotechnology Annual

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