Egypt: Egyptian Court Bans Import of Russian Wheat with Trace Amounts of Ergot

  |   Attaché Report (GAIN)

On November 14, 2017, Egypt’s Administrative Court took the lawsuit filed against Prime Minister Sherif Ismail’s Prime Ministerial Decree No. 2992 (2016); the plaintiff seeks to revert the decree and reinstate the previous zero-tolerance level for the ergot fungi in imported Russia-origin wheat shipments. FAS Cairo understands that no other origins have been named to date. A preliminary ruling has been issued banning the import of Russia-origin wheat containing trace amounts of the ergot fungi. This preliminary ruling will not go into effect until a final decision is made by a higher court. The government is studying the ruling and is expected to appeal the decision. FAS Cairo does not anticipate any near-term disruption to wheat imports as a result of this preliminary court ruling. 

Egypt: Egyptian Court Bans Import of Russian Wheat with Trace Amounts of Ergot


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