USDA Assistance to Ukraine
On July 12, 2022, USDA and the Ministry of Agrarian and Food Policy entered into a non-binding memorandum of understanding (MOU) to strengthen cooperation in the agriculture and food sectors, build a strong strategic partnership to address food security, and share expertise and information. Under the MOU, USDA commits to sharing expertise and information to enhance productivity, increase the use of new technologies, and grow bilateral trade and assistance. USDA has already committed $2.6 million to support animal health and food safety, provide information on new agricultural technologies, survey the needs of farmers, and provide technical assistance in forestry management, including emergency services, youth programs, and nature-based therapy.

USDA/ARS Donates Equipment to Ukraine: USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) is providing donations of ARS laboratory equipment and supplies to Ukraine. Ukrainian Agricultural Minister Solskyi requested the needed equipment in a letter to Secretary Vilsack dated June 3, 2022. Shipped by FAS and ARS through a consolidator, the equipment arrived to Lviv on July 11. The donation is valued at nearly US$350,000 and will help ensure food quality and safety in Ukraine.

FAS Supports Ukrainian Animal Health: FAS implemented an agreement with the Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders for an estimated $215,000. The project is focusing on the mitigation of the risks of transmission of animal diseases in the pork sector during the ongoing war and the post-crisis recovery phase by performing a risk assessment, raising awareness and providing advice on biosecurity and swine diseases, improving on-farm disease surveillance and control, and training key stakeholders.

USDA’s Forest Service Programs: USDA’s Forest Service International Programs office provides technical assistance focused on strengthening the capacity of Ukraine’s firefighters to control wildfires, including in the Chornobyl Nuclear Station Exclusion Zone. Other programming focuses on water management, preventing illegal deforestation, and outreach to youth and veterans.

USDA/FAS - Surveying Ukrainian Producers, Agribusinesses & Traders: FAS signed an agreement with an implementing partner to conduct virtual surveys with Ukrainian producers, agribusinesses, and traders on their planting intentions, constraints, storage, marketing, and other key areas. The surveys are national in scope but focus on conflict-zone oblasts. The goal is to get real-time information on the current agricultural production challenges in Ukraine to strategically inform the larger U.S. Government discussion on how to best rebuild Ukraine.

USDA/FAS - Coordinating Veterinary Supplies and Medicine in Ukraine: FAS signed an agreement with Texas A&M University to initiate and arrange a series of round table events and assemble working groups that will identify commodity-specific assistance priorities that are critical for support and reconstruction of the Ukrainian livestock, swine, and poultry sectors. This summary can be provided to the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine for their consideration and further discussion. The aim is to help inform the needs of the livestock sector to reduce the spread of disease and enhance animal health.